Melody and spectacle are anything that has sound and visual effect in the play that helps you understand through sight and sound.

Fools songs, – the fool is seen as the voice in the reason in the king lear play. he often voices his reasoning in the play through rhymes and songs. ironic as he is named the fool as is supposed to be a joke but is the only smart one in the play

Storm, – the storm is very significant in the play as it is used as symbolism of the storm that’s happening in Lear’s life in multiple aspects, first literally around him as he’s in a storm, secondly the storm of chaos that is happening back home as the kingdom is falling around him and lastly the storm that is going on in his head as he is eventually going crazy/mad.

Join the conversation! 1 Comment

  1. Fletch, this is a good start. I think you can take it further.

    Melody and spectacle are the ‘symbols’ of a tragedy and this is good thing to keep in mind when you are examining them.

    I would like to see you take your analysis a little further and you may be more equipped to do this after you have completed some research into the time period. Also look to connect (as you have begun to) the real world concept with the symbolic concept. What is a storm in the real world? How does it lend itself well to the idea(s) it symbolises?

    You must begin to address the authors intentions. Why did Shakespeare use a storm to symbolism Lear’s descent into madness? Why not something else?

    You also need to use quotations to illustrate the points you are making and work to analyse these as well.

    Mrs. P


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